Wednesday 29 October 2014

COP1 Lecture - Chronologies Print..and time travel apparently.

Firstly we began by discussing that Chronology is the sequential order in which past events occur, and that print, is to produce text, picture and to reproduce design pr pattern. (The communication, reproduction and distribution) Looking at some of the prints done on walls all the way back in 200AD shook me a little.. pretty intense looking at something like that from so long ago.

We looked at some statistics of the amount of books being printed per day from the 15th - 18th century. By the 18th century we were producing 1000,000,000 books per day..YIKES. After looking at the Gutenberg Press and the development of Lyno Type its clear that the speed of which factual information was being developed and passed around the world, was increasing!

I will be honest I struggled to follow some parts of this lecture. Not because it was bad, or poorly presented but I just didn't get how some of it linked together. HOWEVER a lot of my confusion was eradicated when a game of Chinese Whispers proved the point. Sometimes when information is passed around the world, it can be altered along the way, hence why print is so important to us.

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