Wednesday 11 February 2015

Further Research

For my visual response I have had the idea of designing two female characters who differ in appearance. One of them will replicate the typical features a lot of female character designs possess (small waist, slender figure, exaggerated facial features) and the other will be used to contradict this and show a more believable and realistic interpretation of how a woman can look.

Miss Spink and Miss Forcible

 Coraline was Directed by Henry Selick and Produced by Laika in 2009. This is a film which always stood out for me because of its slightly disturbing storyline and use of use of character design. However it includes what is for me, two of the best female representations. Miss Spink and Miss Forcible are two elderly women who live together, who used to perform together as young women. As they have gotten older it is clear these characters have gained weight, which is actually quite a realistic change that comes with age. They still however, have their assets which are clear to see. For example, large chests, striking facial features and the fact that they still care greatly for their appearance! When these two women become young again, we see long slender arm and legs, minuscule waists and two very petite body frames. They may not be seen as the most successful or realistic, however the aim with this was to show a strong juxtaposition between the two pairs of women at different points in their life. One of the aspects which has been kept up, is the  attractiveness of them. This has been achieved in two very different ways, we have the young pair who fall into the typical category of what some animators might see as the "ideal body"with their 0% body fat. Then we have the tow of them reaching their old age, only this time they have suddenly grown enormous boobs and a bit of extra weight. These exaggerations go from one extreme to the other. These two pairs will be attractive to different audiences for different reasons, but it is safe to say, they have kept their character appeal due to their appearance! Lets not forget they are a very funny pair too, so this goes hand in hand with their design.

This example has made me think about how the exaggeration of body parts, big or small, as well as the over all appearance of female characters, can have a massive effect on how the audience sees that character. It is very easy for somebody to make an assumption about a character before any dialog even takes place, which is sometimes why the physical appearance of characters, especially females, can be so extreme on one sense or another.

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