Friday 4 December 2015

Character Evolution

The main example of character development over time that I will be discussing in my essay is the development of Danger Mouse. The visual changes to his design will have been added for a number of reasons.

His features have been made much sharper, and his overall build much longer and slimmer. Some of the reasons for these alterations will have been to do with "keeping up with the times." Children nowadays will most likely find it easier to grow a liking to a more up to date and modern looking character. This would link back to the main question of my essay, because in this case, the design of his character would possibly enable a viewer to become more involved with the storyline of that particular episode.

However, even today, the same aspects will be what makes viewers of an older generation love the original episodes, because the original design will be familiar and nostalgic.

In my essay I will discuss reasonings for these developments, such as

  • Technological evolution
  • New Designers
  • Modernisation
  • Trying to keep character appeal

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