Wednesday 14 December 2016

UV Mapping - My minor set back..

When it came to the UV mapping stage of these characters, I had imagined that it wouldn't take too long, given that my previous experience with it had been smooth. However, with the character of Toby, after separating all of the parts and cutting down the middle so that he could be unfolded, for some reason it wouldn't work! I then realised this was apparent with my second character too. 

After getting help from my tutor, even he was confused at first by what had gone wrong. It turns out, on both characters I had some how managed to acquire faces of zero value. I was able to get help on how to correct this, but both myself and my tutor were baffled as to how it came about in the first place. 

Fixing It

This was fixable, however it did take time. The faces that were of zero value could be highlighted and then needed to be deleted, and then re-applied using the muti-cut tool. The fact that these faces were in different places all over the characters' body, meant that it was quite long process. 

This did set me back, however it did make me feel some what better to know that this wasn't a problem that could have been easily identified. After this was fixed, luckily the UV mapping did then work!

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