Monday, 9 January 2017

Animation Tests - Gathering The feedback

Once all of the animation tests were complete, I spent my Christmas break gathering primary feedback on the character performances. The key areas I wanted to address were:

  1. Does age have an influence on a person's preference between 2d & 3d animation.
  2. How big of an influence does a characters backstory impact their "appeal"?
  3. How important is it for an audience to relate to a character?
  4. Does it depend on the specific character?

In order to gather substantial and fair feedback, I produced I questioner that would address these areas: 

Age:                       Gender:

Do you have a preference when it comes to 2D & 3D animation, if so, why?

Out of the tests you have seen, is it the 2D or 3D characters that appeal to you the most?

Can you explain why?

Are there any aspects to the character's’ performance that you especially like or dislike? Please explain why.

Out of the two characters, do you have a favourite? Please explain why.

How Did I Find This?

I decided it was necessary to include the participants' age and gender, in order to see of there was any running link between these factors and the feedback given. This method of gathering feedback proved to be quite effective, because it allowed me to obtain qualitative and quantitive feedback. The fact that I was able to ask people of varied ages and genders, meant that I was able to gain a non-biased view point on the topic of 2D & 3D animation.

What Would I Change?

if i were to use this method of gaining feedback again, i would consider recording the feedback as well as having it written down. I would also consider asking people to rate each character performance based on certain qualities such as "believability" and "reliability"

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