Monday 9 January 2017

Primary Research - Paul Wells

During my visit to Manchester Animation Festival, I managed to have some really useful discussions with people, as well as seeing a variation of both 2D and 3D animated shorts. One of the most memorable things I took away from this visit was the discussion I had with Paul Wells. After explaining to him what the topic of my dissertation was on, he offered a lot of advice.

During this conversation, we discussed two key areas. The first of which, the use of non-human characters, because this is something I will be mentioning in my dissertation. Wells said that one of the key reasons that the use of animals instead of humans works so well, is because children often see their pets as their "best friend" and this really had an impact on my writing, because the relationship between children and animals wasn't something that had crossed my mind. This fit in really well with my section on Disney and Pixar's frequent use of non human characters.

We also discussed some of the benefits of the use of both 2D and 3D character animation. This was really insightful because I was able to hear the view point from one of the authors who's books I had become very familiar with during the research process. I took away some really useful notes from this discussion and it gave me more to consider when writing.

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