This seminar was about the use of propaganda, especially during the war and how it effected people's views of other races at this time. One example we looked at was Donald Duck in his Nazi Episode. This animation highlights the stereotypical way certain races were seen, for example Japanese.
This animation makes us see things in the way it wants is to see, not what we should see. It was interesting to think about how especially in war time, propaganda played a huge part in influencing peoples beliefs and decisions.
Tuesday, 24 March 2015
Sunday, 22 March 2015
Extra 500 words - Gender in animation
Further Thoughts
I have a particular interest in this topic, because I think gender representation is is an issue which is not only extremely prominent but has also changed dramatically over the years, particularly in animation. Many examples of old artwork used for different purposes, and examples of animations have all represented women in a range of ways. More traditional animations have definitely represented women as these domestic figures, who know their place and do what they are told. I have noticed this when watching older disney adaptation such as Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and Cinderella.
I think there is an issue when it comes to the representation of men in animation, in traditional and contemporary examples. There is often a lack of a male role until he is needed to save the woman which I think waters down the characterisation of the man. The attempt of making the woman the leading role often results in the lack of the other sex being incorporated into a large chunk of the story. Also, in more modern day animations, the females are often made to seem like the more likeable characters, this is sometimes achieved by the men being created as quite bone idol or less likeable. However when we think about it, there isn't always anything that special about the women, they just seem so likeable because of how they are compared to other characters.
I think it is important to remember that when it comes to the issue of sexualization of women, it doesn't always apply to just the leading role. Sexual appeal is often given to the less friendly female roles, because it not only allows them to look distinct in their won way, but lets face it - their attractiveness makes us love them just as much. With both Villains and good characters, certain aspects are often exaggerated to the point where they are completely unrealistic. For example, the use of overly enlarged eyes, voluptuous or petite bodies - both extremes add to the character appeal. I think when watching a film and being hooked to the what your watching, it is easy to forget how unrealistically drawn these characters are. The male characters are often a lot more well proportioned, which again just highlights the issue of the attractiveness of the female roles.
In my opinion, Studio Ghibli provides a much more realistic and equal representation of gender in comparison to areas such as Disney. Not just visually but also when it comes to the personalities of its characters. Men and women seem to be much more on a par with one another, intact that are more cases where the higher authority is given to the female roles.
I think as a future designer it is my responsibility to show variation in my work. I have quite a distinct style which I am trying not to brand myself with. I think it is important to show a a range of characteristics and appearances in my future work. I don't want my work to influence people in the negative way that some recent animations have.
COP1 Lecture - Modernism
This lecture was based on modernism and the way it is moved in art. Modernism was a movement which stepped away from the traditional forms of art, and it was designed to contradict. Examples of modernist artists are Picasso, Matisse and Mondrain.
I do sometimes find it hard to understand modernism, I can't always tell if a piece if work, weather it be a painting or a building, is modernist piece. I sometimes find it harder to relate to in comparison to more realist work.
I do sometimes find it hard to understand modernism, I can't always tell if a piece if work, weather it be a painting or a building, is modernist piece. I sometimes find it harder to relate to in comparison to more realist work.
COP1 Lecture - Photography
This lecture was about the use of photography and how it has been used over the years. Not how it has been used for propaganda, but for educational purses and how this has changed peoples perception of photography.
In the photography produced by Lewis Hine, the people shown are of what seems to be a lower class, however the contradictory thing about these photos are, the people in them do not look unhappy, they look proud. This lecture was interesting because it covered the topic of how Photography can be used for educational purses to inform, and not aways to persuade, for example through the use of propaganda.
COP1 Lecture - Communication and Mass Media
This lecture was about the use of communication to a large extent through a range of techniques, such as illustration, graphic design and fine art. It was interesting because it addressed the topic of how one example of art can be seen in one way, and then through changes it is seen in a completely different way.
It was really interesting to think about how easily we are convinced when it comes to the use of advertisement or propaganda through art. Things can be communicated across the world in a short space of time through something as simple as an advertisement which has derived from a painting (For example the advertisement for Pears Soap)
It was really interesting to think about how easily we are convinced when it comes to the use of advertisement or propaganda through art. Things can be communicated across the world in a short space of time through something as simple as an advertisement which has derived from a painting (For example the advertisement for Pears Soap)
COP1 Lecture - Postmodernism
Some people have argued that postmodernism which is the idea that there is no really truth, only what we decide to believe. It was a late 20th century movement away from modernism which effected the arts and architecture. It highlights the idea that the earth does not get any better, it does change, however there is nothing to say weather or not it has improved over time.
COP 1 Lecture - Animation
This animation was a rundown of how animation has chained and been used over the years. Animation has been on the screen for about 100 years, however it has been created in other forms for much longer. Sequential drawings were created on cave walls up to thousands of years ago.
It was interesting to see how the different ways in which animation can be created has developed so vastly over the years, to the point of CGI and 3D animation.
It was interesting to see how the different ways in which animation can be created has developed so vastly over the years, to the point of CGI and 3D animation.
COP1 Lecture - Advertising
This lecture talked about the use of advertising and how it influences us. It is something which has influenced our perceptions of what we need and what we want, and how we often get there two mixed up. One example of effective advertisement "Coca Cola" The colour red is often related to this subconsciously because it has been advertised so well.
This lecture was interesting because the power of advertisement is sometimes underestimated, especially when just seen on a flyer or on the TV, because we can't always see the global influence it has.
This lecture was interesting because the power of advertisement is sometimes underestimated, especially when just seen on a flyer or on the TV, because we can't always see the global influence it has.
Saturday, 21 March 2015
COP1 Seminar - Animation in the Commercial Realm
This seminar started off by highlighting the fact that animation os one of the most auteurist practices of film making, because it is something that somebody can not only do as part of a team or artists, but also individually.
We talked about how the aim of a Graphic Designer is not to advertise. Advertisement is in some ways seen as a way of tricking us to spend and consume, often on things that are not essential in our everyday lives. Graphic Design is often a way of communicating ideas visually, not advertising. They are two very different things. We talked about some different animations that have been used in a commercial way. One of these examples was "Matches - An Appeal" which was created by Arthur Melbourne Cooper in 1899. This stop motion animation was created for the purpose of allowing donations to be made so that matches could be supplied to troops fighting over seas. This is so impressive because animation is often associated with simply just entertainment, and this example shows that since the start it has bee used for other , more influentail purposes.
We talked about how the aim of a Graphic Designer is not to advertise. Advertisement is in some ways seen as a way of tricking us to spend and consume, often on things that are not essential in our everyday lives. Graphic Design is often a way of communicating ideas visually, not advertising. They are two very different things. We talked about some different animations that have been used in a commercial way. One of these examples was "Matches - An Appeal" which was created by Arthur Melbourne Cooper in 1899. This stop motion animation was created for the purpose of allowing donations to be made so that matches could be supplied to troops fighting over seas. This is so impressive because animation is often associated with simply just entertainment, and this example shows that since the start it has bee used for other , more influentail purposes.
I found this one really interesting and impressive because it would have taken so long to create, and at its time of production the facilities we have today would not have been available.
Another example we discussed was the animation used in Nintendo's "Animal Crossing" Although this game is supposed to be or entertainment it has some deeper influences on its young targets.
This game is given its attractive colours such as loveable characters, bright colours and a friendly environment, as well as the fact that its generally just a very reading game. However it does represent values which are important, such as working for a living, payment, mortgages, building friendships. These are all aspects of life which will influence peoples lives, so it could be argues that this game actually makes good use of this, and influences younger generations in a positive way. However there is the possible issue of the fact that it could be seen as misleading and unrealistic due to how overly friendly the games environment is.
COP1 Seminar - Gender in animation
This seminar wasn't focusing on representation of gender in animation specifically, but also in other forms of art. There were other elects considered too such as feminist responses to this art, as well as how women are represented in animation. Something that was brought to our attention first was that there are examples of work which is dedicated for just the work of female artists. This was something which jumped out at me, because I found saw it as a positive thing, however it was interesting. This is because, if a book was based only for the work of male artists, it may not be taken in the same respect.
We looked at a range of examples of art work from different artists, for example "The Birth of Venus" by Sandro Botticelli from 1482. Personally I think this has quite a positive female representation, and although the man woman in the painting is naked, I don't think it is overly sexual. The visual interoperation of her looks healthy and realistic, which is more than can be said for a lot of the more modern day female representations in art.
Through out the seminar we talked about the issue of the female image and how this can be overpowering to other qualities a woman could have. For example one of the images shown was of an attractive woman in her underwear, and the caption reads "I can't cook, who cares?" This image was one which sparked off a lot of thoughts. There is a lot of pressure on women when it comes to appearance and sometimes this is seen as more important than other abilities, for example weather it not she can cook, weather she is interesting, funny, clever or talented.
It got my thinking why this would be. The constant of discrimination towards women over the years, has lead to a constant vulnerability and awareness that men are the more dominant sex and have always been. It is only recently that this division has started to slowly disappear. If one was to see a book named "Male Artists" their first thought is quite likely to think it sexist. However "Women Artists" gives off a big sense of empowerment, because for so many years there have been these constraints over women and limitations to what they can achieve purely because of the traditional expectations placed on them.
Through out the seminar we talked about the issue of the female image and how this can be overpowering to other qualities a woman could have. For example one of the images shown was of an attractive woman in her underwear, and the caption reads "I can't cook, who cares?" This image was one which sparked off a lot of thoughts. There is a lot of pressure on women when it comes to appearance and sometimes this is seen as more important than other abilities, for example weather it not she can cook, weather she is interesting, funny, clever or talented.
Jenny Saville
During the seminar we looked at some of the paintings produced by Jenny Saville. I found these really intriguing, because she has taken a completely different turn on the way in which women can be represented. I think its really refreshing to see that somebody has taken this different approach at showing visually. This work is very raw and literal which I think is what makes it so effective. Some may argue that they thin the work in unpleasant to look at, but to me, it is a realistic female representation, because it isn't fake or manipulated. Also, it doesn't relate to just women, but both sexes. Its sort of a reminder that people can be made to look a certain way to please others, but at the end of the day, each to their own.
COP1 Seminar - GENRE (its time to get dramatic ya'll)
Today we looked at Genre Presentation and Genre in animation, something which I've realised I could go on and on about, so please DONT stop me if you've heard this one before.
What is Genre?
Its what is seen as the categorisation of music and filming, but can often be contradictory. We typically imagine that "Horror" and "Romance" would be for adults and Cartoons to be for younger people. HOWEVER don't be so quick to judge poppet!
Grizzly Tales For Gruesome Kids
After watching this Episode I was taken back to my childhood and reminded how much this terrified me to my very core when I was younger. This is an example of the fact that even animations that are made for children can still be frightening by their standards! Even watching it now as an adult, its still a pretty disturbing concept..
The Happy Moose (Please excuse the language..)
This 1995 animation surprised me quite a lot. A lot of people might assume that due to the name of the style of the animation that it would most likely be for kids. Well, erm no it isn't. Im not going to lie, I laughed pretty hard at this one. One of the things that makes it so funny is how contradictory it is. It is a 2D animation which starts of nice and sweet and becomes clear that it is NOT for baby humans at all. This is an example of some of the exceptions made when it comes to drama, not everything that we watch is easy to pin point straight away.
We also looked at Paul Well's Generic Plots which are Maturation / Redemption / Punitive / Testing / Education/ Disillusionment. There are however, exceptions to these. We also looked at his, 7 Genres of Animation Film which are Formal / Deconstructive / Political / Abstract / Re - Narration / Paradigmatic / Primal. I like the fact that looking at these aspects got us all talking and dishing out our opinions on how films are judged based on their Genre.
For example, "The Hunger Games" was originally going to be reeled as a SiFy movie but instead it was changed to, Fantasy. This was because it was more likely to be more appealing. There is a lot of stereotypical connotations when it comes to genre, so a lot of people might be put of a SyFy movie because of the "geeky" or "lame" types of people that are into that stuff. Another example of this is "Chick Flicks" Its pretty typical for a lad to refuse to watch one of these with his girlfriend, but why is that? These types of films have been associated with women and teenage girls. Its not a bad thing but they are definitely less popular with the gents (..or so they claim)
There was also a lot of talk about the fact that SyFy is typically associated with men more than women. However we all luckily agreed that was a sort of unnecessary point and that it is irrelevant, at least to us lot anyway!
Thursday, 12 March 2015
Why I did I Design them this way?
When design these two characters, I was trying to represent the different, typical ways females are represented through their physical appearance in animation, and how this can alter people's opinions of them before they are fully introduced to the character. This is why, when designing Sythe, I gave her certain features which enhanced her physical attractiveness, such as larger breasts and an unrealistically small waist with extremely large hips. Aside from the fact that she is designed to not look entirely human, I have still given her these features because she needs to have an element of attractiveness in order to make her more appealing. The is something which has been done with many other female villain characters, for example, Cruella De Ville was given a similar, exaggerated model like body shape and made to be much taller than other characters. Maleficent's body shape was not a prominent factor due to her cape, however the delicateness of her hands and the fluidity of her movements made her very appealing because it was so frighting but beautiful at the same time.
When designing Peach, I was particularly inspired by Victoria Everglott, from Tim Burton's Corpse Bride. She is given a very small rounded face, with extremely large eyes which makes her look slightly vulnerable but beautiful at the same time. This is what I wanted to go for with my own character design. I gave her a typically small frame because in comparison with Sythe, I wanted her to seem more delicate.
I understand that these features I have given to these characters are not a realistic interpretation of the way women look in real life. I have simply been trying to show my representation of the way in which women's physical appearances are changed and exaggerated purely for purposes of appeal and sexual attractiveness, no mater how subtle. I have treated these characters as though their physical appearance is the only thing we have to go off for the time being, because I think it is important to think about how the attractiveness or unattractiveness of a female character can alter the first impressions we have on them .
When designing Peach, I was particularly inspired by Victoria Everglott, from Tim Burton's Corpse Bride. She is given a very small rounded face, with extremely large eyes which makes her look slightly vulnerable but beautiful at the same time. This is what I wanted to go for with my own character design. I gave her a typically small frame because in comparison with Sythe, I wanted her to seem more delicate.
I understand that these features I have given to these characters are not a realistic interpretation of the way women look in real life. I have simply been trying to show my representation of the way in which women's physical appearances are changed and exaggerated purely for purposes of appeal and sexual attractiveness, no mater how subtle. I have treated these characters as though their physical appearance is the only thing we have to go off for the time being, because I think it is important to think about how the attractiveness or unattractiveness of a female character can alter the first impressions we have on them .
Peach - Final Design
Scythe - Final Design
When drawing this final design I took other aspects into consideration too, such as a name for this villain and the use of colour. I decided to name her "Scythe" because this is a word which is associated with cutting and ripping things apart, however it doesn't sound too over the top, and when it is said outside it sounds quite intimidating , but not to the point where it looses its effect. I chose to make the main colour scheme for her clothes red and black because these are two very intimidating colours. Also, a lot of well known villains are given black as their main colour for clothing. I thought if I made the dress red, it would be intimidating in contrast with the black, but it would also add to the attractiveness f the way she looks. (When trying to decide on the colour, the image of Jessica Rabbit came into my head) The redness adds femininity as well as authority. I thought the head piece and hair should be black because the contrast works well. The head piece sort of relates to armour, so it gives off the impression that she is a strong character. I decided not to give her the normal skin colour, I think the blue gives off the impression that she is not entirely human, as does the exaggerated muscle and rib cage. Even though I have tried to make her sexually appealing, I wanted her to not look friendly. I want her to seem like quite a graceful character, who moves around well because I think this adds to the authority she would have, so I have tried to make her look as fluid as I can in this drawing.
Although she is supposed to be a villain, I have tried to give her an element of physical attractiveness that would make her more appealing at a first glance, because when designing these characters I have been focusing on the assumption people will make of them before they get to know them properly, that is why I have been focusing on the physical appearance of them because this is what influences our interpretations of characters.
For this villain I wanted her to look feminine and attractive but intimidating at the same time. I have added certain features such as the small waist and large rounded hips, as well as the slit up the dress because it does in some ways make her seem sexually appealing, which is a trait given to a lot of female characters in animation, good and bad.
I have chosen to give her this head piece because I think it makes her look significantly more intimidating. It also makes her look like she's ready for anything..

The head piece was influenced by Maleficent, because the horns on Maleficent's head is what makes her individual and what makes her scary, so I wanted to give something to this character that makes her different to other Villains.
When designing this good character I knew that I wanted her to be attractive but in a more subtle way than the villain. I didn't want her to be as voluptuous. I kept her frame quite petite and put a lot more emphasis on her clothing and facial features, because this is often a high contributor when it comes to making female characters appealing.
I gave her particularly larger eyes because after my research I realised how often the facial features of female characters are either exaggerated or toned down in order to make them look more attractive.
I have chosen to give her this head piece because I think it makes her look significantly more intimidating. It also makes her look like she's ready for anything..

The head piece was influenced by Maleficent, because the horns on Maleficent's head is what makes her individual and what makes her scary, so I wanted to give something to this character that makes her different to other Villains.
When designing this good character I knew that I wanted her to be attractive but in a more subtle way than the villain. I didn't want her to be as voluptuous. I kept her frame quite petite and put a lot more emphasis on her clothing and facial features, because this is often a high contributor when it comes to making female characters appealing.
I gave her particularly larger eyes because after my research I realised how often the facial features of female characters are either exaggerated or toned down in order to make them look more attractive.
Villain experimentation
I wanted to experiment withdrawing face shapes and eyes for my evil character. I have always enjoyed drawing darker characters so this was particularly enjoyable for me. Again, a lot of the face shapes I have drawn have been inspired by some specific examples, such as Cruella De Ville and Maudeline Everglot.
I think a lot of the characterisation is placed in the eyes, so I wanted to have a play around with drawing some different examples. However I still want her to look feminine and have an element of attractiveness to her, even though she will be evil.
I knew that I would want this villain to be physically attractive at the same time as being "bad". I want to go for the kind of body shape which emphasises certain bodily aspects such as the breast and hips, which will make her appealing. However I want her to look like she is not completely human, so I will probably emphasise certain areas such as muscles and enhance the rib cage which could make her seem slightly more alien like, which is what I would want.
I think a lot of the characterisation is placed in the eyes, so I wanted to have a play around with drawing some different examples. However I still want her to look feminine and have an element of attractiveness to her, even though she will be evil.
I knew that I would want this villain to be physically attractive at the same time as being "bad". I want to go for the kind of body shape which emphasises certain bodily aspects such as the breast and hips, which will make her appealing. However I want her to look like she is not completely human, so I will probably emphasise certain areas such as muscles and enhance the rib cage which could make her seem slightly more alien like, which is what I would want.
Experimentation time!
I started drawing some different examples of eyes that could make the good characters more attractive and appealing. After research and playing around it became more and more apparent to me, that larger eyes are much more appealing because they add an element of cuteness and youthfulness to them. Especially with abnormally large lashes, they look extremely feminine and typically "attractive" in the animation world.
I drew a range of face shapes with different noses and lips, to get an idea of what would go well together. Some of them are inspired by specific characters, such as Pocahontas and Victoria Everglot. I liked the idea of using quite a well rounded face, because again I think this will create quite a youthful look, and it will be the opposite of intimidating. I want to keep the nose quite small, because I want the emphasis to be more on the eyes and lips.
I did some drawings to get an idea of the different hair styles which make a female character appealing. I tried to show examples of a big range of styles because all of the different female leading roles vary hugely when it comes to appearance and one of the things that makes them individual is their hair.
One of the most important factors that needs to be considered when designing characters, is their physical shape, weather they are tall, small, rounded or skinny. I drew some different examples and each time I played around with the physical appearance. I altered things like the breast size, hip width, height and the prominence of muscles. I know that I need my design to be physically attractive so that she is appealing. I have decided that I want her frame to be quite petite, because I want to exaggerate other features such as her eyes. Also because her clothes will play a big part in making her appealing and interesting.
I drew a range of face shapes with different noses and lips, to get an idea of what would go well together. Some of them are inspired by specific characters, such as Pocahontas and Victoria Everglot. I liked the idea of using quite a well rounded face, because again I think this will create quite a youthful look, and it will be the opposite of intimidating. I want to keep the nose quite small, because I want the emphasis to be more on the eyes and lips.
I did some drawings to get an idea of the different hair styles which make a female character appealing. I tried to show examples of a big range of styles because all of the different female leading roles vary hugely when it comes to appearance and one of the things that makes them individual is their hair.
One of the most important factors that needs to be considered when designing characters, is their physical shape, weather they are tall, small, rounded or skinny. I drew some different examples and each time I played around with the physical appearance. I altered things like the breast size, hip width, height and the prominence of muscles. I know that I need my design to be physically attractive so that she is appealing. I have decided that I want her frame to be quite petite, because I want to exaggerate other features such as her eyes. Also because her clothes will play a big part in making her appealing and interesting.
Further mind mapping
Before I began drawing for the designs of my 2 characters, I threw together two mind maps which gathered together the different typical traits that are given to female "goodies" and female Villains. I gave a lot of consideration to some of the examples of research I had already carried out. All of these aspects considered will influence my designs.
Wednesday, 4 March 2015
Slight change in idea
Mind map
As talked about in this mind map above, my first idea was to create two contrasting female characters, one representing the typically attractive stereotype on animation, the other a more realistic interoperation of the female anatomy. However after a discussion with my tutor and after some further research I have decided that I want to still create two female characters, however one being a villain and one being a good character.
Tuesday, 3 March 2015
Female Villains
After a discussion with my tutor, I decided it would be really interesting to have a look into the physical appearance of some female characters who are not represented in a friendly way, and the way in which their appearance reflects their temperament.
Cruella Deville
Disney's 101 Dalmatians was real eased in 1961, and it introduced who I can only describe as one of the scariest animated, female villains, well for me anyway. There are many visual aspects to her appearance which make her intimidating. Firstly, she is so unbelievably skinny and pale, she look ill. This is made worse by her tall yet skinny frame being covered in that huge fur coat. Her face is painfully skinny, her cheekbones are literally spikes sticking out of her face, and underneath that mad array of hair, it doesn't look any less intimidating.. It is intended that she look frightening, and significantly taller than the other characters in order to give her a sense of authority. Before the viewer even know that she loves killing puppies in order to kill them, they will probably feel a bit hostile towards her. The way to look at it is this, if we saw a real life person who was the skinny, we would be worried. However there is no denying that if it wasn't for her slightly afflicted loping appearance, she wouldn't be half as scary.
Disney's Sleeping Beauty was released in 1959, its female Villain Maleficent was, and still is my favourite Villain (not just with in Disney) She is probably one of the most frightening Villains created, however this is for different reasons as to why Cruella is so intimidating. First of all, she is actually not all that bad to look at. The main aspect which makes her so scary is what she is wearing. the jet black gown which covers her makes her stand out to the rest of the characters and against the backgrounds. her horns on her head are what makes her individual out of all the other Disney villains, because it makes her look demonic, which relates to how evil she is. Event hough she has green skin, it can still be argued that she isn't exactly ugly; she is very tall and slender and moves very gracefully , which I think allows her to be taken quite seriously and to be feared more, but not in an aggressive way. The fact that she has a black crow who does quite a lot of her dirty work for her allows it to seem like she has the ability to be manipulative which is another quality people fear. Despite her very bony face, she has still been given features to make her attractive such as the red lips, and well defined eyebrows which stand out. In her first appearance, she comes across as subtly terrifying before she has even said anything. The attention has been drawn away from her figure as a whole, and been placed on her smaller features such as her hand and face, which proves that sometimes, less is more.
The Other Mother
In 2009's Coraline, the Other Mother is supposed to be a representation of the opposite to her normal mother, in a parallel world. She begins off as a kind character (even though it its hard to tell there is something odd about her) however as she becomes more and more hair-raising her appearance changes, she grows until she is abnormally tall and gets much skinner through out. Her rib cage becomes overly prominent and her neck extends to the point where is is almost as long as her fore arm. Extreme boniness and elongation of limbs is a quality that some people find very unsettling, so it is no surprise that she has been given this image. Some people could argue that this figure is not a good image to be putting across, however it is quite obvious that it is a deliberate, exaggeration of certain extremes in order to make the viewers feel a certain way. Aside from the obvious a aspect of her having buttons for eyes (which is what defines her as not being from the normal world) her face gradually becomes extremely bony. Over all she looks withered and unrealistic, however this is what makes her so frightening. It gives off the impression that she is not human and that she is something else entirely.
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