Thursday 12 March 2015

Experimentation time!

I started drawing some different examples of eyes that could make the good characters more attractive and appealing. After research and playing around it became more and more apparent to me, that larger eyes are much more appealing because they add an element of cuteness and youthfulness to them. Especially with abnormally large lashes, they look extremely feminine and typically "attractive" in the animation world.

I drew a range of face shapes with different noses and lips, to get an idea of what would go well together. Some of them are inspired by specific characters, such as Pocahontas and Victoria Everglot. I liked the idea of using quite a well rounded face, because again I think this will create quite a youthful look, and it will be the opposite of intimidating. I want to keep the nose quite small, because I want the emphasis to be more on the eyes and lips.

I did some drawings to get an idea of the different hair styles which make a female character appealing. I tried to show examples of a big range of styles because all of the different female leading roles vary hugely when it comes to appearance and one of the things that makes them individual is their hair.

One of the most important factors that needs to be considered when designing characters, is their physical shape, weather they are tall, small, rounded or skinny. I drew some different examples and each time I played around with the physical appearance. I altered things like the breast size, hip width, height  and the prominence of muscles. I know that I need my design to be physically attractive so that she is appealing. I have decided that I want her frame to be quite petite, because I want to exaggerate other features such as her eyes. Also because her clothes will play a big part in making her appealing and interesting.

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