Tuesday 3 March 2015

Female Villains

After a discussion with my tutor, I decided it would be really interesting to have a look into the physical appearance of some female characters who are not represented in a friendly way, and the way in which their appearance reflects their temperament.

Cruella Deville

Disney's 101 Dalmatians was real eased in 1961, and it introduced who I can only describe as one of the scariest animated, female villains, well for me anyway. There are many visual aspects to her appearance which make her intimidating. Firstly, she is so unbelievably skinny and pale, she look ill. This is made worse by her tall yet skinny frame being covered in that huge fur coat. Her face is painfully skinny, her cheekbones are literally spikes sticking out of her face, and underneath that mad array of hair, it doesn't look any less intimidating.. It is intended that she look frightening, and significantly taller than the other characters in order to give her a sense of authority. Before the viewer even know that she loves killing puppies in order to kill them, they will probably feel a bit hostile towards her. The way to look at it is this, if we saw a real life person who was the skinny, we would be worried. However there is no denying that if it wasn't for her slightly afflicted loping appearance, she wouldn't be half as scary. 


Disney's Sleeping Beauty was released in 1959, its female Villain Maleficent was, and still is my favourite Villain (not just with in Disney) She is probably one of the most frightening Villains created, however this is for different reasons as to why Cruella is so intimidating. First of all, she is actually not all that bad to look at. The main aspect which makes her so scary is what she is wearing. the jet black gown which covers her makes her stand out to the rest of the characters and against the backgrounds. her horns on her head are what makes her individual out of all the other Disney villains, because it makes her look demonic, which relates to how evil she is. Event hough she has green skin, it can still be argued that she isn't exactly ugly; she is very tall and slender and moves very gracefully , which I think allows her to be taken quite seriously and to be feared more, but not in an aggressive way. The fact that she has a black crow who does quite a lot of her dirty work for her allows it to seem like she has the ability to be manipulative which is another quality people fear. Despite her very bony face, she has still been given features to make her attractive such as the red lips, and well defined eyebrows which stand out. In her first appearance, she comes across as subtly terrifying before she has even said anything. The attention has been drawn away from her figure as a whole, and been placed on her smaller features such as her hand and face, which proves that sometimes, less is more. 

The Other Mother

In 2009's Coraline, the Other Mother is supposed to be a representation of the opposite to her normal mother, in a parallel world. She begins off as a kind character (even though it its hard to tell there is something odd about her) however as she becomes more and more hair-raising her appearance changes, she grows until she is abnormally tall and gets much skinner through out. Her rib cage becomes overly prominent and her neck extends to the point where is is almost as long as her fore arm. Extreme boniness and elongation of limbs is a quality that some people find very unsettling, so it is no surprise that she has been given this image. Some people could argue that this figure is not a good image to be putting across, however it is quite obvious that it is a deliberate, exaggeration of certain extremes in order to make the viewers feel a certain way. Aside from the obvious a aspect of her having buttons for eyes (which is what defines her as not being from the normal world) her face gradually becomes extremely bony. Over all she looks withered and unrealistic, however this is what makes her so frightening. It gives off the impression that she is not human and that she is something else entirely. 

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