Saturday 21 March 2015

COP1 Seminar - Animation in the Commercial Realm

This seminar started off by highlighting the fact that animation os one of the most auteurist practices of film making, because it is something that somebody can not only do as part of a team or artists, but also individually.

We talked about how the aim of a Graphic Designer is not to advertise. Advertisement is in some ways seen as a way of tricking us to spend and consume, often on things that are not essential in our everyday lives. Graphic Design is often a way of communicating ideas visually, not advertising. They are two very different things. We talked about some different animations that have been used in a commercial way. One of these examples was "Matches - An Appeal" which was created by Arthur Melbourne Cooper in 1899. This stop motion animation was created for the purpose of allowing donations to be made so that matches could be supplied to troops fighting over seas. This is so impressive because animation is often associated with simply just entertainment, and this example shows that since the start it has bee used for other , more influentail purposes.

I found this one really interesting and impressive because it would have taken so long to create, and at its time of production the facilities we have today would not have been available. 

Another example we discussed was the animation used in Nintendo's "Animal Crossing" Although this game is supposed to be or entertainment it has some deeper influences on its young targets.

This game is given its attractive colours such as loveable characters, bright colours and a friendly environment, as well as the fact that its generally just a very reading game. However it does represent values which are important, such as working for a living, payment, mortgages, building friendships. These are all aspects of life which will influence peoples lives, so it could be argues that this game actually makes good use of this, and influences younger generations in a positive way. However there is the possible issue of the fact that it could be seen as misleading and unrealistic due to how overly friendly the games environment is. 

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