Thursday 12 March 2015

Peach - Final Design

I have named this good character "Peach" because I wanted to go with a name that gives off happy vibes! I haven't made her as voluptuous or as obviously attractive as Scythe because I wanted this to be more subtle. I have kept her frame quite petite, firstly because this reflects her what would be a very gentle character, but also because I wanted to put emphasis on some of the other features such as her eyes, and clothing because these are also big factors when it comes to making a character physically attractive. I have given her abnormally large eyes because this gives her quite a youthful look, which is a factor that is used often when designing good female characters. I have given her quite a different stye of clothing, I went with this because I thought the oddness off what she is wearing would actually give her more character appeal, also I wanted to stray away from the typical dress. This is the same reason for me giving her boots instead of dainty shoes, I wanted to give her quite a unique style. I have however still considered physical aspects such as a small waist, slim arms and legs. Even though she isn't a particularly revealing character I have still given her quite a considerable sized chest because her waist is pretty small. I have used my chosen colours for the clothing because I knew that I wanted to give her a normal skin tone. I went with these shades of blue because in comparison with the hair and skin colour, they look quite friendly and appealing. Another aspect I have considered in the body language, I wanted her to look quite modest, which is why I have drawn her feet facing slightly inwards, because this is something we often see children do. I thought making her look slightly youthful would add to her appeal because that way she wouldn't be seen as intimidating.

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