Wednesday 27 April 2016

Final Colours and Turn arounds

Above are the final colour swatches for my two characters. I have also made it so that these two characters are stood next to each other, in order to get the idea of how they contrast to one another. 

I also produced design sheets for each character in order to show what they would look like as they turn. This is something I actually found very difficult. I struggled to keep the perspective on the characters, especially when it came to drawing them at a 3/4 angle. However after much correcting and adjusting, I think I did a pretty decent job. 

I used scaffold lines and construction sketching to help guide the final drawings. Producing these drawings proved to be really helpful and I learnt a great deal from doing this. I have produced turn around sheets before, but never payed this much attention to detail. I used the scaffold lines, as a reference for specific parts of the body, to ensure all of the figures were consistent.

Also, after producing these sheets, it made me pay closer attention and put more time into thinking about how these two characters would move. The movement of the Chef would need to be much more expressive and free, with a good bounce. On the other hand, the movement of the manager would need to be much more stiff, and although he is a very regal, tall character , I knew that I wanted to the movement in his upper body to be at a minimal as he walks, with his head slightly tilted backwards to suggest authority and confidence. 

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