Wednesday 27 April 2016

COP Lecture - The Gaze

"The Gaze" is a technological term used to describe the way in which an audience views an object or a person in a visual medium. There is also the "feministic cliche" which refers to the way in which a male audience will view a female. Laure Mulvey quotes that, "The Control of the camera comes from factors such as the assumption of hetrosexual men as the default target audience from most film genres"

The Four different forms of the "Gaze" are the direct, intra-diegetic gaze, spectator's gaze and direct look of the camera. Firstly, the intra-diegetic gaze is, where the male character sees the female character as part of the story. The Direct Gaze, is where the person in the film looks out and directly to the audience. Looking at the camera is the way in which the characters of the film are seen through the eyes of the film maker, through the camera. Finally, the spectator's gaze is the way in which the viewing audience looks at a person, animal or object in the film.

The Gaze is definitely something I can relate to in my own practise, because as an animator, I can be in control of the way the audience sees things, and the way I see the character's in my own work. It has also influenced the way I see other films. Also, as an animator, I can have the control over the way a camera picks up a scene, which will also have an effect on how it is perceived by the audience.

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