Wednesday 27 April 2016

Cop 2 - Research

Before designing my own characters, I decided to take a further look into examples of well known character, particularly in the area of "good" and "evil". I wanted to analyse some the visual and physical traits of some of these characters, in order to give me, not only inspiration, but a better idea of what specific character traits represent.

One of the main topics addressed in my essay is the element of "Character Appeal"
This is something all characters much posses in order to attract interest. Appeal can be given to a character in many ways. After beginning further research into different examples of character design, it became more clear that "appeal" can be delivered in many different ways. However one of the main methods of making sure a character possesses appeal, is making sure they are visibly pleasing to look at. This does not necessarily mean that the character needs to be "sexually" attractive. Quite often, a character's attractiveness and memorability come from it's colour's and build. 

I decided to look into some specific characters that I personally and that I am very familiar with, and some that I am no so familiar with. After gathering together research, I created mood boards on which I have annotated. 

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