Wednesday 27 April 2016

Research and Epistemology - Lecture

This lectures was about Research, and how this can help us with our own work when it comes to seminars, lectures, modules and studio sessions.

The first point that was made to us is that research is the gathering of acts and information to influence out work, however there is more to this. Research can also be gathered in other ways such as experiments. However, research can also be gathered through failure, so knowing that something might not work, doesn't mean that it will be a waste of time, because it will at the end of the day, provide us with more information.

In this lecture the four main types of research were covered, these include, primary, secondary, qualitative and quantitive. Firstly, primary research is the gathering of information that does not yet exist, or is for a specific purpose. Secondary research is the gathering of data that already exists and has already been published for another purpose. Quantitive research gathers, factual information such as numbers, measurements and produces evidence that is ready to be analysed. Qualitative research relies on things such as surveys which will result in numerical data.

This was very relatable to my work, because through out these modules and the modules to come, research is a huge part of it. It was a reminder that we are at the centre of our own research and that we can start anywhere and go about it in what ever way we see best, as long as we relate it back to our work and explain why.

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