Wednesday 27 April 2016

The flipped classroom - Lecture

The flipped classroom is a theory, which allows the roles in the classroom to be somewhat reversed and to allow the students to take more control over their learning, by coming up with their own answers to their own questions. This sparks off a different level of cooperation and interest.

The French philosopher Jacques Ranciere in his book, refers to a teacher Joseph Jacotot who taught in the Netherlands. however his students could not speak French and he could not speak Flemish. His lessons became centred around Fenelon's "Telemaque" (1699) His students were given the original text along with the translations, and were left to figure out the differences for themselves.

The flipped classroom theory is something I can definitely relate to in my own practice, because as a student I am in charge of my own time management and briefs. Being in control of my own work is something that is very different to being under the control of the teacher. Also, being in control of my own work load has different results, because the pressure I put on myself is different to the kind of pressure that would be achieved from a teacher.

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