Wednesday 27 April 2016

COP Lecture - Identity

This lecture was about identity and the way it viewed today, as well as the historical views on it. The are three main different forms of identity, these are, pre-modern, modern, and post-modern. Pre-modern refers to a stable and known identity which comes from long standing roles, such as married, government and the monarchy. Modern and Post-modern suggest that identity will come from what words are available to us such as madness, criminality and sexuality.

Identity can also be linked to the topic of stereotypes and a good example of this is the peice of work by Tracy Emin, called "Everyone I have Ever Slept With (1963-1995) " this piece was a tent, in which were the names of all of the people she has ever slept with. However, at first people could be very judgemental because at a first glance she it would have looked as though she had slept with a lot of people, however the actual reality is that all of the names were of people she had ever slept in a bed with, therefore this included family and friends.

This links back to how identity can be used and seen in Animation. Identity is a massive factor in character design. For example, a round shaped character is often kind and soft natured, where as a square shaped character often indicates intelligence. Quite often, characters are symmetrical, which allows them to be more memorable. This is an interesting one, because we can often get a good idea of a character's identity before they have even said anything.

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